Sage Line 50 tutorial is designed for book-keeping software, in this blog we will teach you how to use this software. In sage line 50 blog you will learn about how to install and operate Sage Line 50 and how to install on network.

Correction of errors in Sage Instant Accounts


Hi, can anybody please advise me how I can erase sales invoices and sales payments which were entered incorrectly? I cannot use maintenace-error corrections, because the items have been reconciled on a VAT return.At the moment the customer account is nil but only because it contains an incorrect posting of invoices and an incorrect posting of a payment. I need to do something that reduces the turnover figure and corrects the bank balance.


You should not be using the Corrections facilities for adjustments - can cause problems. For a clean audit - Journals should always be used, or, if you have not paid purchase or sales invoices - the corresponding opposite entries of credit and debit notes.
Re your situation - Journal - DR turnover net amount / credit bank gross and DR Output VAT - remembering to put T1 code to bring this back into the next VAT report you run.
This is the simplest method - but the Sales ledger will not show your adj. If you wish to register the error through Sales ledger you must:
Raise a credit note for wrong amount - say £1000.00 plus VAT etcRaise a new invoice for correct amount - say £800.00 plus VATRaise another internal invoice for difference coded to misposting account say £200 for simplicity ignoring VAT - but this would need adj also
You then go into bank and pay these 3 items, which clears all to Nil, and the bank will not have any adj either - as nil.
Now journal from Bank DR diff and CR misposting to clear mispostings and adj bank.
Entries on turnover would be:
original CR £1000.00Credit note DR £1000.00CR new invoice £800.00 - net affect £800 which is correct
Entries on bank would be:On bank original DR £1000.00Payment of invoices - NIL as contra each other - clears sales ledgerJournal to clear misposting via bank - CR bank say £200.00
Net effect on bank DR £1000 / CR £200 = £DR £800.00
Sorry if this is a bit confusing - but its only if you wish the ledgers to reflect the errors. if not, and you keep a log of journals, or print out the sales ledger and keep this with journal - you can go for the simpler first method.

how can I correct an incorrectly posted payment on account from a previously VAT reconciled period?

Sage set up to calculate VAT returns using the cash accounting method (otherwise this wouldn't be a problem)
- This is a payment on account posted to a supplier account ( you don't say whether this is on the customer or supplier ledger, so if it is on the customer ledger just mirror these steps)
- You need to remove the payment on account from the supplier and bank ledgers (if it's just the value that is wrong, follow these steps to remove it, then post it correctly)
You need to reduce (debit) the balance of the purchase tax control account, and also correct the balance on the supplier ledger account.
When using the cash accounting method in Sage, you can only allocate transactions to each other if they have the same T code.

Post a dummy invoice to the supplier ledger using nominal code 9998 (suspence) and tax code T1, with the Net and VAT amounts matching your incorrect payment on account. Use the detail field for some explanation. This will adjust the balance on the suuplier account. You can allocate the Payment on Account against the dummy invoice via Bank, Supplier.

Post a bank receipt in the relevant bank account, nominal code 9998, and tax code T1 to reverse the bank entry. You can allocate the incorrect payment against the dummy bank receipt in the bank reconciliation screen.

Your suspense account balance will now be nil, the bank balance is corrected and the VAT value of the correction will be posted in the sales tax control account.

The dummy invoice in the suuplier ledger will not appear on the VAT return calculation, but the bank receipt will, so it should increase the VAT liability by the overclaimed amount.

Entering Your Product Opening Balances

In order to keep accurate product levels, you should enter the opening balances for each stock

To enter your opening balances for your products

1. From the Sage Line 50 toolbar, click Products.

2. Select the product codes for which you want to enter opening balances, then click Record.

3. Click the O/B button attached to the 'In Stock' box.
The Opening Product Setup window appears.

4. In the Opening Product Setup window enter the opening balances as follows:

'Ref' The reference for the opening balance, for example, O/BAL.

'Date' The date for the opening balance.

'Quantity' The quantity of the product that you currently have in stock.

'Cost Price' The unit price at which the opening stock is valued.

5. To record these details, click Save.

Note: If you have selected several product record codes from the Products window, use
the previous and next buttons to move between product records to enter their opening

When you save the opening balance for a product, Sage Line 50 posts an ‘Adjustment In’
transaction, which appears on the product reports. The valuation report shows the
opening stock quantity at the cost price you entered.

Setting Up Your Product List

The product records that you enter in Sage Line 50 will eventually form your product list
(product records are entered in the Record window, from within Products).
When you are planning your stock system, the product codes you enter need to be as
descriptive as possible so that you can locate the product quickly when you are entering
data or viewing a report.

For example, a clothing manufacturer could use a stock system which detailed material
type and colour.

For example:

Creating Product Categories

You can group your products into 999 different categories for analysis and reporting purposes.
For example, if you are a stationery and computer retailer, you may want to separate your sales
into Paper Products, Office Supplies, Computer Accessories and so on. By placing similar
products into categories you can:
􀂄 Create reports based on categories. For example, you can print a Product Activity or
Product Management report.

􀂄 Use the Search option to carry out analysis within specific categories.

􀂄 Update the sales and purchase prices of the product within certain categories using the
Global Changes Wizard.
The categories you set up are available as a drop-down list on Sage Line 50’s Product Record
To create a product category

1. From the Settings menu, choose Configuration.

2. From the Configuration Editor window, click the Products tab.
The default Products information appears.

3. Select the product category you want to change and click Edit, or double-click on the line
in the table that you want to change.
The Edit window appears.

4. In the box provided, enter the name for your product category.

5. To save your entry click OK, or to abandon your entry click Cancel.

6. To apply the changes to the company that is currently open in Line 50, click Apply.

7. To save the changes to your configuration file, click Save, or to exit without saving your
details, click Close. To exit from the Product Categories list box, click Close.

Entering Product Defaults

Each time you create a new product record, you need to enter details such as nominal code,
department, tax code, etc. If you give most of your products similar details, you can enter a set
of ‘default’ answers that will appear automatically in the new product records you create.
However, if you need to, you can change any of the details that were entered automatically for
you on each product record.

If you have Accountant Plus or Financial Controller version of Sage Line 50 you can also add
your own descriptions to each of the product discount tabs (by default called Discount A-E) so
that they are more meaningful to the way your product discounts are structured. For example,
you could call them Trade, Retail, Wholesale, 10% Discount and 20% Discount.
If you do change the names on the discount tabs, these name changes appear in the following
areas of your program:

􀂄 Product Record Discounts tab.

􀂄 Customer Record Defaults tab - 'Additional Discount' list.

􀂄 Customer Defaults Record tab - 'Type' drop-down list.

􀂄 New Customer Record wizard.

􀂄 Global Changes

􀂄 Sales Order Processing/Invoicing Edit Item Line window - Discount Breakdown window.

To enter your product defaults
1. From the Settings menu, choose Product Defaults.
The Product Defaults window appears showing the Details information.

2. Enter your default information.

3. To save your product defaults, click OK. To exit without saving, click Cancel.

To enter your discount tab names
(Accountant Plus and Financial Controller only)

1. From the Settings menu, choose Product Defaults.
Click the Descriptions tab.

2. Enter the names you want to use for each of your Discount tabs in the boxes provided.

3. To save your changes, click OK.
Your new discount names now appear in place of Discount A- E.

Entering Product Records

You can add, edit and delete product records. You can also view the sales value of your
products and the quantity you have sold, on the Activity tab.

Use the Record button in the Products window to manually enter your product details. If you
prefer, you can click New to use the wizard to guide you through the process step-by-step.
Alternatively, you can copy an existing record’s details using the Duplicate facility.

To enter your product records

1. From the main Sage Line 50 toolbar, click Products.

2. From the Products window, click Record.
The Product Record window appears.

3. Use the Details tab to enter or view your main product information.
Do not enter your opening balances until you have read the next section, Entering Your
Product Opening Balances

You can also use the pricing options to set multiple selling prices for your products. For
further information about how to use the pricing options, refer to Chapter 9, Pricing and

If you do not put in a nominal code of your own choice, then Sage Line 50 will automatically
assign each product with a default code.

The only form of commodity code that HM Customs & Excise accept is eight numeric
characters. If you are using Line 50 to produce Intrastat Supplementary Declarations
information, you must make sure that your commodity code is correctly entered into the
‘Intrastat Commodity Code’ box.

Note for Financial Controller users upgrading from Line 50 version 10 and earlier:
During the upgrade procedure, Line 50 transfers any commodity code data that is in the
correct format from the old ‘Com. Code’ box to the new ‘Intrastat Commodity Code’ box.
If data appears in the ‘Com. Code’ prior to the upgrade but it is not in the correct format,
Line 50 enters the data into the ‘Com. Code Description’ box. It is your responsibility to
check all your commodity codes, and enter them into the ‘Intrastat Commodity Code’ box
in the required format if necessary. In addition, the ‘Weight’ box now displays a ‘kg’ label.
You should ensure that any weights you entered prior to the upgrade are correct, as you
may have previously used this box for other weight measures, such as imperial pounds (lb).

4. The Memo tab enables you to attach electronic documents and filing system references to
your records using the Document Manager functionality. You can also use the Memo tab to
enter any additional product details.

5. Whenever a product is made up of other products you hold in stock, it is said to have a bill
of materials (or BOM). This is a list of the other products (or components) that are needed
to make up the product (or product assembly).

6. The next three tabs enable you to view information about your product sales.

􀂄 Accountant Plus and Financial Controller only: The Sales tab displays, for each
month of your financial year, the sales value and quantity sold for the product you
selected. The Sales tab also shows you the date of the last product invoice that was
raised for this product. Use the Sales tab to set budget values and to enter prior year
values for each month of your financial year, for each of your product records. You
can enter your budget values directly into the table, or you can enter the total budget
allocation for the year in the Totals box. If you enter a total budget, Line 50 divides it
by 12 and enters the resulting value into each month’s budget box. If there is a
remainder after dividing the total by 12, Line 50 enters it into the box for month 12.
The Actual figures update as you begin to enter and update invoices. Because you
can compare your budget figures against actual monthly figures for both this year and
for the year just ended, use this tab to keep track of how close you are to meeting
your budget targets. This also shows whether your product sales are performing
better than the same time last year. You can also set your cost of sales values for each
month here or alternatively they will be updated automatically as you update your
􀂄 Accountant Plus and Financial Controller only: The Graphs tab displays the same
information as the Sales tab but in a graphical format.

􀂄 The Activity tab shows the individual transactions you have ‘posted’ for your product
records in table form. You can see adjustments, goods in and out and stock transfers,
as well as the current quantities in stock, on order and allocated.

7. Accountant Plus and Financial Controller only: Quantity discount in Sage Line 50 is
determined through product discount rate tables. Five tables are provided per product.
This means that you can give five different quantity discount rates to your customers
(Discounts A-E).
The product discounts you can set up are based on quantity levels and you can enter
quantities for up to ten levels of discount.

8. With the advances in e-commerce it has become increasingly important to advertise your
products and services on the Internet.
You can use the Web tab to enter information that can be used by Sage WebTools to help
you to create your web shop.

You can insert an image of the product (either in a BMP, JPEG or GIF format), so that your
customers can see exactly what you sell. To read how to do this, press F1 when you are
on the Web tab and read the topic 'To Set Up Your Product Web Details' that appears in
the help system.

9. To save your product record, click Save.

Checking and Clearing Your Customers’ and Suppliers’

Once you have entered your customers’ and suppliers’ opening balances you need to check
the figures and clear them from your Balance Sheet, to keep your books in order.
When you save the opening balances for your customers and suppliers, they are posted to the
audit trail and make up the Trial Balance report. They must be cleared to prevent duplicated
balances when you enter your nominal ledger opening balances.

Checking Your Customers’ and Suppliers’ Opening Balances Using
the Standard VAT Scheme

Complete the following process to verify your data and to check that the correct information has
been entered in the relevant places.

1. From the Customer Reports window, print the Aged Debtors Analysis and Detailed
Customer Activity reports.

2. From the Supplier Reports window, print both the Aged Creditors Analysis and Detailed
Supplier Activity reports.

3. Using these reports, check that you have entered the opening balances for each customer
and supplier correctly. Make any necessary amendments before continuing. To do this, use
the Customers or Suppliers option, double-clicking on the appropriate record and making
the required changes.

4. From the Financials window, print your Period Trial Balance report.
This will give you the figures for your debtors (customers) and creditors (suppliers) control
accounts, your sales and purchase tax control accounts and your suspense account,
which you will need for the next stage in the process.
You are now ready to clear the balances on these accounts.

Clearing Your Debtors and Creditors Control Accounts Using the
Standard VAT Scheme

After entering the opening balances for your customers and suppliers you should clear the
values in your debtors and creditors control accounts and your suspense account. If you do not
clear these balances, they will be duplicated when you post the opening balances for your
nominal ledger accounts and your Balance Sheet will be incorrect.
In order to clear the balances, you will need your Trial Balance report that was produced in step

4 in the previous set of instructions.
To clear the balances for your debtors and creditors control accounts using
the Standard VAT scheme

1. From the Trial Balance report, make a note of the balances on all of your nominal codes
and also record whether they are a debit or credit.
For example, your trial balance may look like this:

N/C Name Debit Credit
1100 Debtors Control Account 34515.00
2100 Creditors Control Account 9664.00
9998 Suspense Account 24851.00

34515.00 34515.00

Note: The debit total must equal the credit total.

2. From the main toolbar, click Nominal.

3. Click Journals.
The Nominal Ledger Journals window appears.

4. In the 'Date' box, enter the date of the last day of your previous accounting period.

5. Reverse your trial balance by posting a journal entry. If the balance on your Trial Balance is
a debit, process a journal credit for the same amount. For example, if you had the trial
balance shown in step 1 you would process the following journal.

N/C Dep Details T/C Debit Credit
1100 0 Reverse O/Bal T9 34515.00
2100 0 Reverse O/Bal T9 9664.00
9998 0 Reverse O/Bal T9 24851.00

34515.00 34515.00

Note: The debit total must equal the credit total.

6. Click Save and then Close.
You have cleared your debtors and creditors control accounts and your suspense account.
You are now ready to enter the details and opening balances for your stock (if appropriate).
If you have no stock, you can now enter the opening balances for your nominal ledger and
bank accounts.

Checking Your Customers’ and Suppliers’ Opening Balances Using
VAT Cash Accounting

1. From the Customer Reports window, print the Aged Debtors Analysis and Detailed
Customer Activity reports.

2. From the Supplier Reports window, print both the Aged Creditors Analysis and Detailed
Supplier Activity reports.

3. Using these reports, check that you have entered the opening balances for each customer
and supplier correctly. Make any necessary amendments before continuing. To do this, use
the Customers or Suppliers option, double-clicking on the appropriate record and making
the required changes.

4. From the Financials window, print your Period Trial Balance report.
This will give you the figures for your debtors (customers) and creditors (suppliers) control
accounts and your suspense account, which you will need for the next stage in the

You are now ready to clear the balances on your debtors and creditors control accounts
and your suspense account.

Clearing Your Debtors and Creditors Control Accounts Using
VAT Cash Accounting

After entering the opening balances for your customers and suppliers you should clear the
values in your debtors and creditors control accounts, your sales and purchase tax control
accounts and your suspense account. If you do not clear these values, the postings will be
duplicated when you post the opening balances for your nominal ledger accounts and your
Balance Sheet will be incorrect.

In order to clear the balances you will need your Period Trial Balance report (from step 4 in the
previous set of instructions).

To clear the balances for your debtors and creditors control accounts using
the VAT Cash Accounting scheme

1. From the Trial Balance report, make a note of the balances on all of your nominal codes
and also record whether they are a debit or credit. For example, your Trial Balance may
look like this:

N/C Details Debit Credit
1100 Debtors Control Account 34515.00
2100 Creditors Control Account 9664.00
2200 Sales Tax Control Account 24851.00
2201 Purchase Tax Control Account 1439.32
9998 Suspense Account 21149.80

35954.32 35954.32

Note: The debit total must equal the credit total.

2. From the main toolbar, click Nominal.

3. Click Journals.
The Nominal Ledger Journals window appears.

4. In the 'Date' box, enter the date as the last day of your previous accounting period.

5. Reverse your Trial Balance by posting a journal entry. If the balance on your trial balance
is a debit, process a journal credit for the same amount. For example, if you had the trial
balance shown in step 1 you would process the following journal:

6. Click Save and then Close.

You have cleared your debtors and creditors control accounts, your sales and purchase tax
control accounts and your suspense account. You are now ready to enter the details and
opening balances for your stock (if appropriate). If you do not have any stock, you can now enterthe opening balances for your nominal ledger and bank accounts.

Opening Balances for Suppliers

If you are transferring accounting information from a manual bookkeeping system, or you are
changing accounting software, you will already have some suppliers. You may owe money to
these suppliers (or vice versa). You must enter these amounts as opening balances.

You should only enter your suppliers’ opening balances once you have entered the details of
your nominal accounts (including bank accounts). Post the opening balances for your suppliers
using the O/B button on each supplier record. You can either enter your opening balance as a
lump sum or you can enter separate transactions.

The method of entering the opening balances for your suppliers is different depending on
whether you are using the Standard VAT scheme, or the VAT Cash Accounting scheme.
If you are using the Standard VAT scheme, you can either enter supplier opening balances as a
lump sum, or you can enter each outstanding invoice and credit note separately. This makes it
easier for you to match payments later. We recommend that you enter your opening balances
as separate transactions.

If you are using the VAT Cash Accounting scheme, you should enter each invoice and credit
note for your suppliers individually, with the correct tax code.

To enter a supplier’s opening balance using the
Standard VAT scheme

1. From the main toolbar, click Suppliers.
The Suppliers window appears.

2. Select the suppliers you have opening balances for.
3. Click Record from the Suppliers window toolbar.

The Supplier Record window appears, showing the details of the first supplier you
4. Choose the O/B button, which appears alongside 'Balance' box.
The Opening Balance Setup window appears.

5. In the Opening Balance Setup window, enter the following opening balance details:

Enter the reference for this opening balance.
This reference appears on the audit trail and will help you to identify this
If you are entering each outstanding invoice/credit note separately, you can
enter the invoice or credit note number here.
Alternatively, if you are just entering the total of outstanding invoices/credit
notes as one opening balance, you can enter O/BAL as the reference.

You can enter either the program date (entered automatically by default) or
the date of the original invoice or credit note.
If you assign the original date here, it ages the invoice/credit note from that
date. This gives you an accurate picture of the overdue debts on all your
supplier accounts.

From the drop-down list, select the type of opening balance you want to
enter. You can select either 'Invoice' or 'Credit'.
If your suppliers owe you money, select ‘Credit’ from the drop-down box.
This creates a negative value when you enter the opening balance in the

box. If you owe money for invoices, select ‘Invoice’.
'Gross' Enter the gross amount of the original invoice or credit note.
If you want to enter a single opening balance for this supplier, enter the total
gross amount of all the invoices.

Tip: Press ENTER after each entry to move to the next entry field.

6. To accept these details, click Save.
To return to the Supplier Record window without saving, click Cancel.

7. To return to the Suppliers window, click Close.
Once you have entered all the opening balances for your suppliers, you are now ready to
check your customers’ and suppliers’ opening balances.

To enter a supplier’s opening balance using the VAT Cash Accounting

1. From the main toolbar, click Suppliers.
The Suppliers window appears.

2. Select the supplier records that you have opening balances for.

3. Click Record from the Suppliers window toolbar.
The Supplier Record window appears, showing the details of the first supplier you

4. Click the O/B button, which appears alongside the 'Balance' box.

5. In the Opening Balance Setup window enter the following opening balance details:

Enter the reference for this opening balance, for example, O/BAL.
This reference appears on the audit trail and will help you to identify this

You can enter the date of the original invoice or credit note (that is, the
opening balance).
If you assign the original date here, it ages the invoice/credit note properly
from that date. This gives you an accurate picture of the overdue debts on
all your supplier accounts.

From the drop-down list, select the type of opening balance you want to
enter. You can select either 'Invoice' or 'Credit'.
If you owe your suppliers money, select ‘Invoice’ from the drop-down box.
This creates a negative value when you enter their opening balance in the

‘Gross’ box. If the supplier owes you money, select ‘Credit’.
Enter the net amount of the original invoice or credit note.

The default tax code for this supplier appears here automatically, but you
can change it if necessary.

Sage Line 50 enters the amount of VAT due. You can change this if

Tip: Press ENTER after each entry to move to the next entry field.

6. To accept these details, click Save.
To return to the Supplier Record window without saving, click Cancel.

7. To return to the Suppliers window, click Close.
Once you have entered all the opening balances for your suppliers, you are now ready to
check and clear your customers’ and suppliers’ opening balances.

Entering Supplier Records

There are three ways of entering a supplier record.

􀂄 Firstly, you can use the wizard which guides you through the process step-by-step, by
clicking New.
􀂄 Alternatively, you can choose the Record option from the Suppliers toolbar and enter the
details manually. Remember, if you have set up your supplier defaults, some details will
automatically be entered for each new account you create. You can change these if you
􀂄 Finally, if a record already exists that contains much of the same information as the new
record you require, you can use the Duplicate option to create a copy of the original record.
This option saves you time if you need to set up several records with very similar details,
for example if you have a number of suppliers based at the same address.

To enter supplier records

1. From the Suppliers toolbar, click Record.
The Supplier Record window appears.

2. Use the Details tab to enter the basic supplier account details.

3. If you have an Accountant Plus or Financial Controller version of Sage Line 50, you can
also enter delivery addresses for your supplier. If your supplier has several different offices,
you can enter a different delivery address for each office. To do this, click Delivery
Addresses. Click New and then enter the details you require. To save the address, click

4. Use the Defaults tab to amend the defaults that you have already set up from the Settings
menu. If you make a change on this tab, it only applies to the selected supplier.
Note: If you do not specify a nominal code, Sage Line 50 automatically assigns each
supplier with a default code.

5. Use the Credit Control tab to enter or edit your credit control details.

6. Use the next series of tabs to view information about how you trade with your suppliers.
􀂄 The Purchases tab shows the value of invoices and credit notes sent by your suppliers
and the money you have paid out to them for each month of your financial year. You
can use this tab to show the trends in your supplier’s monthly transactions.
􀂄 Financial Controller users can click on the Orders tab to view a history of the
purchase orders that you have placed with the selected supplier. Double-click on any
of the orders in the list to view the Purchase Order record.
You can also create a new purchase order for this supplier from this window by
clicking the New Order button, or duplicate an order by selecting it and clicking
􀂄 The Graphs tab shows invoices, credits and balances month by month in a graphical
􀂄 The Activity tab shows the transactions you have made with each supplier. You can
see invoices, credit notes, payments, payments on account and even cash discounts
you have been given. In addition, the Activity window also shows a supplier’s balance,
turnover and monies paid. Each line of the Activity list represents a single invoice,
credit note, payment on account, payment or discount. Each line is in turn made up
of one or more individual items. To see these items, click the '+' symbol at the
left-hand side of the transaction line you want to view. If any of the transaction’s items
have been paid, then click the '+' symbol against these items to show the payment

7. If you use the BACS (Bank Automated Clearing Services) to make payment transfers
directly to this supplier’s bank account, use the Bank tab to enter your supplier’s bank
account details.

8. If you have the Financial Controller version of Sage Line 50 you can use the Contacts tab
to record telephone conversations you have with your suppliers. The information entered
here also appears in the Task Manager. For example, if you enter a follow up call date, the
details appear in the 'Contacts' section of the 'To Do’ list in the Task Manager.

9. The supplier Memo tab enables you to attach electronic documents and filing system
references to your records using the Document Manager functionality.

The Memo tab also lets you keep additional notes about each of your suppliers. For
example, you may want to make a note of the date and times you talk and write to your
suppliers, or you could enter reminder notes to yourself, to follow up special new products
from your suppliers and special prices you have been offered.
Each memo creates a separate text file with the extension .PLM and stores it in a
sub-directory of your Sage Line 50 program directory called Memo.
The supplier’s account reference is used as the file name. For example, a memo for
supplier SMITH01 would be stored in a file called SMITH01.PLM.

10. To exit and save your supplier record, click Save. To exit the Supplier record without
saving, click Close and click No to the message that appears.

Entering Supplier Defaults

Each time you create a new supplier record, you are asked to enter details such as credit limit,
terms and discount. If you have the same terms with most of your suppliers, you can use the
defaults to save you time when creating supplier records. Defaults mean that you do not have
to enter the same information over and over again, into each record. If you need to, you can
override the defaults shown in a record. If every supplier is different, do not set up your supplier defaults.

Use the Supplier Defaults option to set up the defaults that appear on each supplier record that
you create. Within this option, you can also set your supplier aged balance defaults. This is the
time period in which you have to pay a particular supplier. For example, one supplier may expect payment within 30 days, but another may give you 90 days to pay your outstanding balances.

To enter your supplier defaults

1. From the Settings menu choose Supplier Defaults.The Supplier Defaults window appears.

2. Use the Record tab to enter your suppliers information. Press the F1 key to open the help
system for more information about your Supplier Record Defaults.

3. Use the Ageing tab to set the defaults for your suppliers’ aged balance reports.

4. To save your entries and exit, click OK. To exit without saving, click Cancel.
The defaults you have entered here appear on any new supplier records you create. You
can change these defaults on each individual supplier record if necessary.

Opening Balances for Customers

If you are transferring accounting information from a manual bookkeeping system, or you are
changing accounting software, you will already have some customers (if you have no
customers, go to the next section). These customers may owe you money (or vice versa). You
must enter these amounts as opening balances.

You should only enter your customers’ opening balances once you have entered the details of
your nominal accounts (including bank accounts). Post the opening balances for your
customers using the O/B button on each customer record screen. You can either enter your
opening balance as a lump sum or as separate transactions.
You can enter opening balances as a negative or a positive value, depending on whether they
owe you money or you owe them money.

The method for entering the opening balances for your customers is different depending upon
whether you are using the Standard VAT scheme or VAT Cash Accounting scheme. In the
following sections, the procedure for entering balances for both schemes is explained.
Warning! It is very important that you check with your accountant which VAT scheme you
should be using, because once you have entered a transaction it is very difficult to change
VAT schemes.

If you are using the Standard VAT scheme, you can either enter customer opening balances as
lump sum balances, or you can enter each outstanding invoice and credit note separately. This
makes it easier for you to match receipts later. We recommend that you enter each outstanding
invoice/credit note separately.

If you are using the VAT Cash Accounting scheme, you should enter each invoice and credit
note for your customers individually with the correct tax code.

To enter a customer’s opening balance using the Standard VAT scheme

1. From the main toolbar, click Customers.
The Customers window appears.

2. Select the customers you have opening balances for.

3. Click Record from the Customers toolbar.
The Customer Record window appears, showing the details of the first customer you

4. Click the O/B button, which appears alongside the 'Balance' box.
The Opening Balance Setup window appears.
5. In the Opening Balance Setup window enter the following opening balance details:

Enter the reference for this opening balance.
This reference appears on the audit trail and will help you to identify this
transaction. If you are entering each outstanding invoice/credit note
separately, you can enter the invoice or credit note number here. Alternatively,
if you are just entering the total of outstanding invoices/credit notes as one
opening balance, you can enter O/BAL as the reference.

You can enter the date of the original invoice or credit note (that is, the
opening balance).
If you assign the original date here, it ages the invoice/credit note from that
date. This gives you an accurate picture of the overdue debts on all your
customer accounts.

From the drop-down list, select the type of opening balance you want to
enter. You can select either 'Invoice’ or 'Credit'.
If you owe your customers money you would select ‘credit’ from the
drop-down box. This would create a negative value when you enter their
opening balance in the ‘Gross’ box. If they owe you money you would select
If you want to enter a single opening balance for this customer, enter the total
gross amount of all the invoices minus credits.

Tip: Press ENTER after each entry to move to the next entry field.

6. To accept these details, click Save.
To return to the Customer Record window without saving, click Cancel.

7. To return to the Customers window, click Close.
Once you have entered the opening balances for your customers, you can enter your
supplier’s details and then their opening balances.

To enter a customer’s opening balance using VAT Cash Accounting
1. From the main toolbar, click Customers.
The Customers window appears.

2. Select the customers that you have opening balances for.

3. From the Customers toolbar, click Record.
The Customer Record window appears, showing the details of the first customer you

4. Click the O/B button, which appears alongside the 'Balance' box.

5. In the Opening Balance Setup window, enter the following opening balance details:
Tip: Press ENTER after each entry to move to the next entry field.

6. To accept these details, click Save.
To return to the Customer Record window without saving, click Cancel.

7. To return to the Customers window, click Close.

Enter the reference for this opening balance. For example,
type O/BAL.
This reference appears on the audit trail and will help you to
identify this transaction.
You can also enter the invoice or credit note number here.

Enter the date of the original invoice or credit note (that is, the
opening balance).
If you assign the original date here, Line 50 ages the invoice or
credit note from that date. This gives you an accurate picture
of the overdue debts on all your customer accounts.

From the drop-down list, select the type of opening balance
you want to enter. You can choose 'Invoice' or 'Credit'.
Note: If you owe your customers money you should select

from the drop-down list, creating a negative value on
the customer account when you save the opening balance. If
the customer owes you money, select 'Invoice' from the
drop-down list.

Enter the net amount of the original invoice or credit note

The default tax code for this customer appears here
automatically, but you can change it if you require.

Sage Line 50 enters the amount of VAT due. You can change
this if you require.

Tip: Press ENTER after each entry to move to the next entry field.

6. To accept these details, click Save.
To return to the Customer Record window without saving, click Cancel.

7. To return to the Customers window, click Close.

Entering Customer Records

A customer record is like a card in a card index box. Each record holds information about a
specific customer, such as an address, telephone number, contact name, credit limit, and so
on. The Record button lets you quickly add, edit and delete information so you can keep your
customer records accurate and up-to-date. As you add your customer records, they appear
automatically in the list on the Customers window. The list lets you see the customers you have
and the amount they currently owe instantly.

There are three ways of entering a customer record.
Firstly, you can use the Customer Record Wizard by selecting the New button to guide you
through the process step-by-step.

Alternatively, you can choose the Record option from the Customers toolbar and enter the
details manually. Remember, if you have set up your customer defaults, some details will
automatically be entered for each new account you create. You can change these if you want.
Finally, if a record already exists that contains much of the same information as the new record
you require, you can use the Duplicate option to create a copy of the original record. This option
saves you time if you need to set up several records with very similar details, for example if you
have a number of customers based at the same address.

To enter your customer records

1. From within the Customers window, click Record.
The Customer Record window appears, displaying the Details tab.

2. Use the Details tab to enter the basic customer account details.
Important Note: See the next section, Opening Balances for Customers, before you enter
your customer’s opening balance.
If you have Accountant Plus or Financial Controller, you can also enter delivery
addresses for your customers. If your customer has several different offices, you can enter
a different delivery address for each office. To do this, click Delivery Addresses. Click New
and then enter the details you require. To save the address, click OK.

3. Use the Defaults tab to amend the defaults that have been copied from the Customer
Defaults option from the Settings menu. If you make a change on this tab, it only applies
to the selected customer.
Note: If you do not specify a nominal code, Sage Line 50 automatically assigns each
customer with a default code.

4. Use the Credit Control tab to enter or edit your credit control details.

5. The next series of tabs enables you to view information about how your customers trade
with you.

The Sales tab shows the value of invoices and credit notes you have sent to a customer
and the money received from them for each month of your financial year. You can use this
tab to show the trends in your customer’s monthly transactions.

Financial Controller users can also click on the Orders tab to view a history of the sales
orders that the selected customer has placed with you. Double-click on any of the orders
in the list to view the Sales Order record.

You can also create a new invoice or sales order for this customer from this window, by
clicking New Invoice or New Order.

Accountant Plus and Financial Controller users who use Line 50’s Project Costing can
click the Projects tab to view details of the projects associated with this customer. You can
also create a new project record for the selected customer by clicking the New Project
button. For full details about Project Costing,

The Graphs tab shows invoices, credits and balances month by month in a graphical form.
The Activity tab shows the transactions you have made with each customer. You can see
invoices, credit notes, receipts, payments on account and even discounts you have given.
In addition, the Activity window also shows a customer’s balance, turnover and monies
received. Each line of the Activity list represents a single invoice, credit note, payment on
account, discount or receipt. Each line is in turn made up of one or more individual items.
To see these items, click the '+' symbol at the left-hand side of the transaction line you
want to view. If any of the transaction’s items have been paid, then click the '+' symbol
against these items to show the payment details. The Activity tab also shows yourcustomer’s aged balances.

Financial Controller only: You can use the Contacts tab to record the details of telephone
conversations you have with your customers. The information you enter here also appears
in the Task Manager. For example, if you enter a follow up call date, the details appear in
the 'Contacts' section of the 'To Do’ list in the Task Manager.

If you have Financial Controller and your business charges for the time spent on the
telephone, you can also create an invoice directly from this Contacts tab.

6. The customer Memo tab enables you to attach electronic documents and filing system
references to your records using the Document Manager functionality.
The Memo tab also lets you keep additional notes about each of your customers. For
example, you can make a note of the date and times you talk and write to your customers,
and you can enter reminder notes to tell them about new products and special price offers.
Each memo creates a separate text file with the extension .SLM and stores it in a
sub-directory of your Sage Line 50 program directory called Memo. For example, if you
have installed your Sage Line 50 program in the default directory, the Memo files will be
stored in; C:\Program files\Sage\Accounts\Memo.
The customer’s account reference is used as the file name, therefore a memo for customer
SMITH01 would be stored in a file called SMITH01.SLM.

Note for network users only: All Sage Line 50 memos are stored on the data server.

7. To save your Customer record, click Save.
To exit the Customer record without saving, click Close and click No to the message that

Entering Customer Defaults

Each time you create a new customer record you will be asked to enter details such as the credit
limit, terms and discount type and value.

If you give most of your customers similar terms and conditions, you can use the defaults to
save you time when creating customer records. Defaults mean that you do not have to enter
the same information into each record over and over again. If you need to, you can override the
defaults shown in a record. If every customer is different, do not set up your customer defaults.

To enter your customer defaults

1. From the Settings menu, choose Customer Defaults.The Customer Defaults window appears.

2. In the Record tab, enter your customer information.
Note: You can change any of these details on the customer record.

All customer records list the country where the customer is based.
Use the drop-down list to select the country that you want to assign
to each newly created customer record.

Use the 'Currency' drop-down list to select a currency that will be
assigned, by default, to each newly created customer record. For
information about setting up and trading in multiple currencies,

'Std. Tax Code'
Select a default tax code that will be assigned to all transactions that
you create for this customer.
Note: If necessary, this default tax code can be changed in any
transaction that is created.

'Def. N/C'
Enter the default nominal account code that you want to be used
when you create customer records and when you generate a service
invoice for a customer.
Note: If necessary, this default nominal code can be changed in any service invoice that you create.

Use the drop-down list to choose the department that you want to
set as the default on each newly created customer record. To find out
how to set up your departments,

'Discount %'
You can set a basic discount that will be applied to all customer
transactions. No conditions will be used when applying the discount,
it will be applied to every invoice that you enter for your customers.
You can still change the discount amount manually on each invoice if
necessary. If you want to apply each discount individually, you should
leave the discount amount as 0.00.


(Accountant Plus & Financial Controller only)

Select from this drop-down list whether or not to set a default
additional discount for your customers. If you want to give an
additional discount, select the Additional Discount from the following:

'No Additional': Do not apply any extra discount.

'Invoice Value': Select this additional discount type to apply discounts
based on the value of the invoice raised. The percentage discount
that is applied is calculated from the Customer Defaults Discounts
tab, where ten different value ranges can be assigned different
discount rates. If you want to set up a discount based on a
customer’s invoice values, enter the discount structure using the
Discounts tab from the Customer Defaults window.

'Quantity Table A-E': Select one of these quantity tables to apply
additional discount based on the quantity of products bought. These
tables are set up using the Discount tab of each product record.
If you have chosen to rename your quantity tabs, the names that you
have entered appear in this list.

'Price List'

(Accountant Plus & Financial Controller only)

If the selected customer is a member of a price list, the price list
reference appears here. A customer can only belong to one price list.
If you want to change the price list that the selected customer
belongs to, select the price list you require from the drop-down list.
'Default' Select the default account status from the drop-down list. This is the
account status that will be assigned to each new customer record.
You can change this in each individual customer record if necessary.

3. Use the Statements tab to enter any standard statement descriptions that you want to
apply to your invoices, credits, discounts and payments.

4. Use the Ageing tab to set the periods you want to use to monitor how long your customers
have owed you money.

5. (Financial Controller and Accountant Plus users) You can also enter customer
discounts based on invoice values on the Discount tab.

6. To save your customer defaults, click OK. If you do not want to save your defaults, click

The defaults you have entered here appear on any new customer record you create.

Checking Your Chart of Accounts

In Sage Line 50 you can check the chart of accounts for any errors and then print out a report
detailing these errors.

To check the chart of accounts for any errors

1. From the main Sage Line 50 toolbar, click Nominal.

2. Click COA.

3. Select the chart of accounts layout you want to check and then click Edit.
The Edit Chart Of Accounts window appears.

4. Click Check.
If an information window appears informing you that no errors have been found, it means
all of the nominal codes are represented correctly and you can continue to use Sage Line

If a print window appears, select the output (printer, preview, file or e-mail) you require for
the error report and click Run. This report tells you of any errors within your chart of

Errors That Can Occur in the Chart of Accounts Layout

The most common errors found in the chart of accounts are described below.

The following ranges overlap each other ...

This means that either the low number, the high number or both of the category account ranges
fall within another category account range.

For example:
Category Account Low High
Product Sales 4080 4099
Export Sales 4080 4100
(This is overlapping the first category account range.)
Export Sales 3050 4080
(This is overlapping the first category account range.)

You need to edit the chart of accounts to amend the category account ranges.

One of the following ranges is enclosed within the other range ...

This error means the low and high numbers of one category account range fall within the low
and high numbers of another.

For example:

You need to edit the chart of accounts to amend the category account ranges.

Nominal code ... not represented in chart

This means you have created a new nominal code in the nominal ledger but it does not fall within
an existing category account range in your chart of accounts.

You need to edit the chart of accounts and create a new category account or amend an existing
one to include the new nominal code.

Nominal code ... has been used as part of one ‘floating’ category, but not as
part of the equivalent ‘floating’ category in Current Assets/Current Liabilities

When a nominal code is included in both current assets and current liabilities, Sage Line 50
decides which category to include it in depending on whether the code has a debit or a credit

The above error message means you have a nominal code included in one floating category but
not in the other. For example, you have the nominal code set up in current assets but not in
current liabilities.

You need to edit the chart of accounts and include the nominal code in both floating categories.

Category Account Low High
Product Sales 4000 4099
Export Sales 4010 4020 (This is nested within the first category account
Export Sales 4050 4099 (This is both an overlapping and a nested range

You need to edit the chart of accounts to amend the category account ranges.

Nominal code ... not represented in chart

This means you have created a new nominal code in the nominal ledger but it does not fall within
an existing category account range in your chart of accounts.

You need to edit the chart of accounts and create a new category account or amend an existing
one to include the new nominal code.

Nominal code ... has been used as part of one ‘floating’ category, but not as
part of the equivalent ‘floating’ category in Current Assets/Current Liabilities

When a nominal code is included in both current assets and current liabilities, Sage Line 50
decides which category to include it in depending on whether the code has a debit or a credit

The above error message means you have a nominal code included in one floating category but
not in the other. For example, you have the nominal code set up in current assets but not in
current liabilities.

You need to edit the chart of accounts and include the nominal code in both floating categories.

The following ‘floating’ category range in Current Assets/Current Liabilities
has no matching range in Current Liabilities/Current Assets

The floating category range that is entered within the Current Assets and the Current Liabilities
must be the same. For example, if you have entered the Bank Account Range as 1200 - 1209
in the Current Liabilities, you must also enter the same range (1200 -1209) in the Current

The Chart of Accounts

This is a list of all the accounts that your company uses. In essence, it is how you categorise
your accounting system.

Sage Line 50 provides you with a simple chart of accounts that is suitable for the Profit and Loss
report, the Balance Sheet report, the Budget report and the Prior Year reports.
The chart of accounts is also used when you run your Year End. The Year End option looks to
the chart of accounts to see which accounts make up the Profit and Loss report. These are
cleared down during the Year End procedure.

Sage Line 50 enables you to tailor the chart of accounts to suit your business. By editing the
chart of accounts, you can add in new categories or make present categories more suitable to
your line of business. For example, you can change the sales category from product and export
sales to the actual items your company sells.

Use the COA option from the Nominal Ledger window if you want to change the chart of
accounts. You can edit the default chart of accounts or you can add your own chart of accounts
if you want. If you want to add new sections to your profit and loss report or your balance sheet,
you must amend your chart of accounts by following the steps detailed below.

To add a chart of accounts

1. From the Sage Line 50 toolbar, click Nominal.

2. From the Nominal Ledger window toolbar, click COA.

3. Click Add.
The New Chart of Accounts window appears.

4. Enter the name of your new chart of accounts in the Name box.

5. Click Add.
The Edit Chart of Accounts window appears.

The chart of accounts is subdivided into category types. By default, the category types for
the Profit and Loss report are Sales, Purchases, Direct Expenses and Overheads; and for
the Balance Sheet report they are Fixed Assets, Current Assets, Current Liabilities, Long
Term Liabilities and Capital & Reserves.

Each category type is subdivided into category accounts, each of which consists of a
heading and a range of nominal accounts, for example, the category type ‘Sales’ is
subdivided into Product Sales, Export Sales, Sales of Assets, Credit Charges and Other
Sales by default. Sage Line 50 has automatically set up category accounts for each
category type in your default layout of accounts, but you can amend these if necessary.
If you opted to create your own nominal account structure during the ActiveSetup Wizard,
the default chart of accounts does not contain any category accounts.

6. Select each category in turn from the Category Type list, and for each one enter or amend
the following details in the boxes provided.

Tip: To insert a line, press F7. To remove a line, press F8.

This is the heading for this type of category. This appears on your financial reports. You can change this if necessary.

'Category Account'
This is the heading for each range of nominal accounts in this
category, one line per range.
You can define up to 80 category account ranges for each

For example, in your Sales category you may want to set up
headings such as Home Sales, Export Sales, Product Sales and
so on. You can enter up to 60 characters of text for each heading.


Use the 'Low' and 'High' boxes to determine the range of nominal
accounts to be included for each category account.
If there is only one code in the range, enter the same number in
both boxes. Where more than one nominal account belongs to a
category account, enter the lowest nominal account number in
the range in the Low box and the highest number in the range in
the High box. The codes you enter are inclusive.

'Floating Nominal Accounts'

Note: The floating nominal accounts only appear when you are
editing the current assets and current liabilities categories.
Certain nominal records shown in the balance sheet could be an
asset or a liability depending on the balance. These accounts are
known as floating nominal accounts. To make your management
reports correct, you can get the program to detect the balance of
these fluctuating accounts and enter them into the correct section
of the balance sheet.

In order for Sage Line 50 to do this, place any floating nominal
accounts in the boxes provided for both the current assets and
current liabilities. When you enter a nominal account description in
one category, you are prompted to copy it to the other (for
example, from current assets to current liabilities). To do this, click

For example, enter Bank Account 1200 in the Current Assets and
Bank Overdraft 1200 in the Current Liabilities.

When you run your financial reports, all of the nominal accounts entered in each range will
be added together to give a subtotal for the category account heading to which they

7. Click Check to see if you have missed any nominal accounts or put any information in

8. If there are discrepancies in your chart of accounts, you can choose whether you want to
print, preview, e-mail or save the information to a file by selecting one of the options in the
window and then click Run.
A report is generated, informing you of any potential errors in your new chart of accounts.
You should fix any errors before entering any transactions.

9. To save your new chart of accounts layout, click Save.
To exit without saving click close

To edit your chart of accounts

Use this option to change your default chart of accounts. You may want to do this if you want
to extend or change an existing chart of accounts category range.

1. From the Nominal Ledger window, click COA.

2. Select the chart of accounts layout you want to change and then click Edit.
The Edit Chart of Accounts window appears.

3. Select each category in turn from the Category Type list, and for each one enter or amend
the details in the boxes provided.

4. Click Check to see if you have missed any nominal accounts or put any information in

5. If there are discrepancies in your chart of accounts, you can choose whether you want to
print, preview, e-mail or save the information to a file by selecting one of the options in the
window and then click Run.
A report is generated, informing you of any potential errors in your new chart of accounts.
You should fix any errors before entering any transactions.

6. To save your chart of accounts click Save, or to exit without saving click Close.

Opening Balances

If you are a new user of Sage Line 50, (if you are not upgrading from a previous version) you will need to enter a series of opening balances. These opening balances are very important to your bookkeeping activities and you must get them right. If you do not enter them correctly then your books will be wrong (although you can make adjustments to correct them). Entering your opening balances is not a straightforward process, as certain conditions (such as your nominal codes) must be in place before some opening balances are entered.

In the next four chapters, Sage Line 50 takes you through the process of entering your opening
balances; firstly by setting up your nominal codes, secondly, entering your customer and
supplier records and entering their respective opening balances, thirdly entering your stock
details and their opening balances, and finally, entering opening balances for the nominal ledger
and bank accounts.

Opening Balances Overview

Opening balances represent the financial position of your organisation on the day you start
entering live transactions. Whatever date you choose, you are likely to have opening balances,
whether your organisation is just starting up or changing over from another accounting system.
Opening balances are transactions that already exist before you start using Sage Line 50. If you
have an established business, your opening balances can either be taken from your previous
accounting system or they will be provided by your accountant. If you are starting a new
business your opening balances will consist of your start up costs, e.g. costs of assets (e.g. a
computer) or your rent, bank balance or capital.

Opening balances consist of information such as:

Outstanding customer transactions (if you do not have these yet, because you are a new
business, you can enter them at a later date).
Outstanding supplier transactions (e.g. an invoice for a computer or rent for your
Nominal ledger trial balance (for example, your assets, capital, stock or hire purchase
The following procedure lays out the order in which you should enter your opening balance
details. You may not be ready to complete this procedure immediately, as you may not have
entered all the necessary information, and so it is intended as a reference point for you. We
suggest that once you have worked through the next three chapters, you come back to this
point and run through these steps. The opening balance procedure is described in the following
Note: You may not have to complete all these steps, for example you may not have any
customers or any stock. In this case, simply skip these stages.

The Opening Balances Procedure

1. Enter the opening balances for your customers and suppliers.

2. Check your customers’ and suppliers’ opening balances. To do so follow the steps below:
Print both the Aged Debtors Analysis and Customer Activity (Detailed) reports.
Print both the Aged Creditors Analysis and Supplier Activity (Detailed) reports.
Using these reports, check that you have entered the opening balances for each customer
and supplier correctly. Amend any entries if necessary before continuing.
Once you are satisfied that your entries are correct, print your current Trial Balance report.

3. After entering the opening balances for your customers and suppliers you should clear the
values in your Debtors and Creditors Control accounts, your VAT accounts and your
Suspense account, (if you are using Standard VAT Accounting you will not need to clear
your VAT accounts, as they will have no balance) otherwise these postings will be
duplicated when you post the opening balances for your nominal ledger accounts and your
balance sheet will be incorrect.

4. Enter the opening balances for your stock. For further information on how to do this,

5. Enter the opening balances for your nominal ledger accounts and bank accounts.

6. Print your Trial Balance report and check that you have posted all your Nominal Ledger and
Bank account opening balances and that the balance in your Suspense Account is zero. If it is not,
print the Nominal Activity report from the Nominal Reports window in the Nominal Ledger, and use this to check all
your opening balances again until you find your error. You will need to check that:
􀂄 Opening balances for all of your nominal accounts from your full trial balance have
been entered.
􀂄 An opening balance has not been entered twice.
􀂄 Balances have not been entered as debits when they should be credits and vice

Passwords and Access Rights

The Access Rights feature lets you set individual passwords for each person who uses Sage
Line 50. You can even restrict which ledgers, menus and windows each user can access. For
example, you can hide nominal and bank balances from certain users.

To be able to set up your access rights, you must log in as Manager.

Note: The Access Rights option is only available if you select the 'Access Rights' check box on
the Parameters tab of Company Preferences.

To create a new user

1. Open the Settings menu and choose Access Rights.
2. Click New.
The Create New User window appears.

3. Enter a logon name and a password for your new user in the boxes provided.

4. Set the access you are giving the new user from the options provided.

5. To save the new user’s details, click Save. To clear the details without saving, click Discard.

6. To exit the Create New User window, click Close.

To assign access rights to options

1. From the User’s list on the User Access Rights window, select the user whose access
rights you want to assign.

2. Click Details.
The Access Details list appears showing all of the options and menus in Sage Line 50 that
can have access rights attached. The user’s current access status for each option is also
shown as full, partial or none.

3. To change the access status of any of the options, click Modules.
The Option List window appears.

Full Access Select this option to give the user unlimited access to all parts
of Sage Line 50. You can modify these options later if you

4. Select each option you want to change from the list, then select whether the user is to be
given full access or no access to the option. Click OK.

5. If you want to give partial access to modules within Sage Line 50, select the module you
require and click Dialogs.

6. Select each window you want to change from the list, then select whether the user is to
be given full access or no access to the window. Click OK.

7. To return to the User Access Rights window, click Close.

Changing Your Password

You can use the Change Password option to:
Enter your company password.
Change your company password.
Change your user passwords if you are using access rights.

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