Sage Line 50 tutorial is designed for book-keeping software, in this blog we will teach you how to use this software. In sage line 50 blog you will learn about how to install and operate Sage Line 50 and how to install on network.

Business Start Up Show: It’s all about the people

Escape from the frozen North?

We’re at Business Startup show this week – Earls Court 2 Tuesday and Wednesday – and there will be more Sage people there than ever. That’s not because we all feel like escaping the snow in the North East or a few days on our feet – it’s because we seem to be in demand.

We go to lots of events, from local niche market to national large scale; and they’re all different in their own ways. Something always remains the same though. And that’s the reception we get from the people that come and see us.

That sounds really corny doesn’t it?! I’m not sure how to make it not sound corny or explain what I mean, but I’ll have a go…

Talking about business

I suppose the starting point is that all of us Sage people genuinely (again trying not to be corny) enjoy talking to businesses. Whatever size, market, type etc. it doesn’t really matter. Every business is unique so you never get bored hearing about their stories, challenges and ambitions.

And from our point of view it’s about understanding how those businesses work and seeing if there’s something we can do to help them to improve or make simpler.

We can also share a lot of knowledge about business in general so whether it’s VAT or business legislation we up for having a conversation about almost anything.

And most importantly we’re honest in what we do – if we can’t help we don’t pretend we can, but we do always try to learn about what businesses actually need to make things better… so we can improve ourselves.

Things tend to go from there.

Come and say “hi”

So instead of just saying ‘come along and find out about how to manage your finance, people, customers, payments etc…’,  I wanted to find a non-corny way of saying come and have a chat to our great people. Because they really are great.

Oh and for those that do want to hear about everything else we’re doing then here’s a list that just so happens to be the perfect size to fit in a tweet:

Free software coffees finance/payroll/hr/customer/payment advice balloons filming research camper van seminars workshops brightly coloured t-shirts

So come along and see us… that’s if you don’t get caught in a tube strike or snow deluge!


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