I’ve been working on a couple of projects to extract data via scheduled jobs to place on remote servers of late. It was something I was mulling over as the one big sticking point with the iPhone connect for Sage 50 application is for a user being able to configure their firewall to allow external access. My thinking is to charge a nominal monthly fee (and no upfront cost) for a tool which extracts your Sage 50 or Sage 200 (in an extremely efficient manner!), uploads it to a secure site where you will able to view/filter and report on your Sage data.
What I don’t know is how much do you, the great Sage using population, want the ability to do this? It means not only can you easily deploy your information company wide but also to home workers and it would tie up nicely with the iphone app. Now phase 1 would be read-only but later phases would look at altering the online data and via some other tool allowing those changes to be written back to your data.
If it is something even of passing interest then please email here.
Thanks for sharing useful information with us.
Sage CRM
Sage 50
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